Monday, July 25, 2016

Hillary please.

I"m back. Wow. 5 years later. Didn't realize i haven't posted in such a long time. Been kind of busy trying to build my psychotherapy practice. I specialize in grief counseling for adults and children and divorce counseling for children over 8. I do not see children who attend the NYCDOE schools as I work for them.
Looking forward to an exciting convention. Trump scares the hell out of me. I'm excited by Hillary. She's experienced, has a lifetime in politics, is brilliant, caring and NORMAL. This is in contrast to Trump: a sociopath; a man with NO empathy for others; an excellent actor (People believe the nonsense he says);; he has NO POLICIES to back up his grandiose (in both the layman and the psychological term)ideas.Yes, I am frightened that he could be our LAST PRESIDENT should be be elected. Yes,  am frightened that he pays no credence to the fact that climate change is absolutely the #1 crisis in THE WORLD. Yes, this is even more important than terrorism kids.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day Two: The Awful Truth about Social Security

  • My friends, I copied this off the Social Security Administration website:

  • 2011 Social Security tax rate and maximum taxable earnings Updated
    Employee/Employer For 2011, the maximum taxable earnings amount for Social Security is $106,800. The Social Security tax (OASDI) rate for wages paid in 2011 is 4.2 percent for...

  • THIS is the law designating the TOP SALARY for paying into social security. In other words, what you pay into social security  is CAPPED at $106,800. All money earned past $106,800 is not subject to Social Security Deductions. That is, not one penny earned over  $106,800 is deducted from and paid into social security.

  • PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY. The wealthiest individuals: CEO's, Private and Public workers, POLITICIANS, millionaires, billionaires, hedge fund managers,etc:  PAY THE SAME MONEY INTO SOCIAL SECURITY THAT YOU DO!!

  • In other words, social security may become bankrupt and those who are rich richer and richest do not pay their fair share. They make money in AMERICA. Just as you do. Shouldn't they be paying a percentage of their ENTIRE EARNINGS?  Just as you do???

  • Social Security is being funded by the MIDDLE CLASS. The dwindling middle class.

    Can we be squeezed more than we are?

    Should not the wealthiest Americans PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE?

    Remember: the wealthiest Americans make their money BECAUSE of the advantages of living in our beauiful country, the United States of Americal. They are AMERICAN. They received an American education, enjoyed AMERICAN opportunities,live in freedom, comfort and have every right that any American has. Shouldn't their contribution be on par with the average middle class Americans?

    We all work hard.But unfortunately, we are not reaping the benefits that the wealthy clearly enjoy.
    The rich are becoming richer, the poor poorer and the middle class is on a downward spiral. We are FALLING FAST.

    If you benefit from being an American and living in America, then you should PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE.

    Why isn't this HEADLINED in the newspapers?
    Why isn't this being SHOUTED by the politicians???

    I can blog everyday. What's more important is that we middle class folks GET INVOLVED! Write to  your councilman, senators, state senators. TALK to your friends, your family, your coworkers.

    Years ago the AIDs activist had a slogan: Silence=death.

    The same is true today for the middle class. SPEAK UP. RALLY. FIGHT FOR YOUR FAIR SHARE.
    If we don't start speaking, there will be NO MIDDLE CLASS.

    Please join me.Talk, scream, shout, write.We're all in this together. Please, I beg you, FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS.

    Thank you.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Day One: The goal of Bloomberg to eliminate unions

    Welcome to my blog. I'm starting this blog because I am deeply concerned that we are losing the foundations of our democracy.

    Today's issue is Bloomberg's viscious attempt at eliminating the unions, the UFT in particular.

    As a NYC educational employee, I fear that the jobs of my colleagues are in grave danger as our current mayor aims to eliminate not only tenure, but well.. I've worked in this field over 20 years. I have 2 master's degrees.Like most of my colleagues, I am driven, smart, ambitious and very hard working. We've always been given subtle hints that our jobs could be eliminated.However, the fear has never been so palpable.Threatening older pedagogues (aka: employees that earn more $) by comparing them to younger pedagogues with the implication that the younger teachers are "better", "more innovative", "more creative", and "more dedicated" is deceitful, dishonest and destructive. Bloomberg is quite effectively using the divide and conquer method to pin pedagogue against pedagogue.Experience is much more valuable than a sound byte. There's no evidence supporting the premise that newer younger teachers/pedagogues are superior to more experienced, and yes, older, educational personnel. It's a lie. It's insulting. Personally, I was in the field for five years before I began to really become adept at my job.But here's the big  picture which is getting lost in the media hype. The truth is, Bloomie wants to save money. So he is promoting this media blitz in order to malign the older, more expensive teachers and to fool the public so that he can SAVE MONEY. The public is eager to be fooled, not because they are ignorant but because they are fearful of their own jobs and their incomes and their ever increasing expenses. So, like the dictator he has become, he is attempting to marshall the troops (aka: the citizens of New York City) by demonizing the experienced pedagogue.We cannot let this happen. Why hasn't the idea of  reforming tenure ever come up? Because it's not the issue, and never has been. The mayor wants to SAVE MONEY. Merit is b.s. I worked in a poorer socio economic neighborhood. My children scored poorly, but performed better as time went on. I transferred to a school in a higher socioeconomic neighborhood and voila, my children performed better than in my previous school. Did the quality of my instruction instantaneouly improve with a shorter commute? I think not. Merit can only be judged when it is based in context. That being said, the whole structure of merit pay is flawed.Most doctors became doctors to help save lives. Most educators became educators so that they could improve the lives of children through education. It was never about the money; we'd all make more money in the private sector.The benefits of belonging to a union, having a pension, and being rewarded based on seniority was the trade off for a lower salary.Please join in!! We''ll be at the rally at City Hall Park tomorrow morning at 11am.
    follow me on Twitter at NYCAmie