Monday, July 25, 2016

Hillary please.

I"m back. Wow. 5 years later. Didn't realize i haven't posted in such a long time. Been kind of busy trying to build my psychotherapy practice. I specialize in grief counseling for adults and children and divorce counseling for children over 8. I do not see children who attend the NYCDOE schools as I work for them.
Looking forward to an exciting convention. Trump scares the hell out of me. I'm excited by Hillary. She's experienced, has a lifetime in politics, is brilliant, caring and NORMAL. This is in contrast to Trump: a sociopath; a man with NO empathy for others; an excellent actor (People believe the nonsense he says);; he has NO POLICIES to back up his grandiose (in both the layman and the psychological term)ideas.Yes, I am frightened that he could be our LAST PRESIDENT should be be elected. Yes,  am frightened that he pays no credence to the fact that climate change is absolutely the #1 crisis in THE WORLD. Yes, this is even more important than terrorism kids.

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